Fiscal Warehouse

brown labeled box l
brown labeled box l

Import and storage of goods for up to 24 months, to extract totally or partially for total or partial import or to return them abroad. It is particularly useful for:

  • Defer payment of taxes

  • Facilitate re-exportation

  • Temporary storage of goods

Services to Goods Destinations

Importación Definitiva
Importación Definitiva
Definitive Import

The goods enter the national territory to remain in it permanently. Under this regime, these goods are subject to the payment of taxes and compliance with all applicable regulatory measures and non-tariff restrictions.

Exportación Definitiva
Exportación Definitiva
Importacion Temporal
Importacion Temporal
Definitive Export

The goods leave the national territory to be sent to another country on a permanent basis, i.e., without the intention of returning them to the country of origin. This regime involves several steps and requirements that must be complied with to ensure the correct clearance of the goods.

Temporary Imports

The entry of merchandise into the national territory with the condition that they will be re-exported without having undergone significant transformation or change. This regime is useful for specific activities such as fairs, exhibitions, investment projects and other temporary uses.

Importación Temporal sin Transformación de Mercancías
Importación Temporal sin Transformación de Mercancías
Temporary Importation without Transformation of Goods

Imports for a specific period of time to be returned abroad in the same state, that is, to be returned abroad without any modification or transformation process.

Importación Temporal con Transformación de Mercancías
Importación Temporal con Transformación de Mercancías
Temporary Importation with Transformation of Merchandise

Entry of goods into the country to undergo manufacturing, transformation, repair or any other form of modification before being re-exported. This regime is commonly used by companies seeking to add new components and value to their products before sending them abroad again.

man in black jacket smoking
man in black jacket smoking
Temporary Exportation with Transformation of Goods

Exit of goods from the country to another country to be subjected to transformation, manufacturing, repair or any other form of modification, and subsequently returned to the country.

Exportación Temporal sin Transformación de Mercancías
Exportación Temporal sin Transformación de Mercancías
Temporary Exportation without Transformation of Goods

Exit of goods from the country for a specific use during a limited period, with the condition that they will be returned in the same state in which they were exported, without undergoing any transformation.

Internal Traffic

Transfer of goods from one national customs office to another for:

  • Clearance for import.

  • Outbound clearance, for export.

  • Ship goods imported temporarily, for their return abroad.

a forklift parked in front of a building
a forklift parked in front of a building
A large orange robot in a building with lots of tools
A large orange robot in a building with lots of tools
A train track in a large building with statues on it
A train track in a large building with statues on it